100 years of history, 10 to build a new future
The world of nutrition is facing increasingly complex and multifaceted challenges. Sustainable development does not only concern the environmental dimension but also has an important socio-economic aspect, both from the production and consumption point of view. Unhealthy lifestyles and food safety alerts undermine individual and collective health and well-being.
The passion for quality and attention to the protection and care of the territory have always guided our operations, a family business with a natural vocation for sustainability.
The experience accumulated with a century-old history today becomes a fundamental tool to respond strategically to these challenges, addressing the environmental consequences of the climate crisis, supporting the excellence of Italian production and protecting the social value of the sector.
The choices made over the years have led us to identify new paths that would guarantee greater resilience to changes in the agricultural sector, exploiting the potential offered by technological advancement to reduce the impact on the environment, and aim to safer food consumption.
Our first Sustainability Plan was born with the desire to be a tool to communicate, in a simple way and to all our interlocutors, the strategy we intend to adopt to contribute to the well-being of this generation and those who will come from here to the next ten years.
First and foremost, Developing a strategic plan with a long-term horizon implies the effort to imagine the evolution of future scenarios. To do this, understanding the main demographic, economic, climatic and environmental trends at a global level, and to identify the themes on which we will focus our commitment and the related areas of impact, was essential.
We therefore set the goal of defining the lines of action to respond to current challenges and anticipating future needs, participating in the development of the sector and the regions in which we are currently present. The study of the best practices in the oil and food sector has allowed the implementation of sustainability solutions inspired by the model of the best international examples.
The desire to create shared value is the fil rouge that binds our different ambitions: the generated economic value must bring benefits not only to the company but also to the stakeholders and the territory in which it operates.
The objectives and actions defined within the Plan are the result of a path shared with all company departments. The building of the Plan involved key stakeholders who contributed concretely to defining the 2030 horizon on environmental issues, healthy nutrition, health and food education.
We will continue and strengthen our commitment to fight climate change and protect natural resources, starting from the field. Technology becomes a valuable ally not only to refine transformation techniques but also to reduce over consumption, enabling a more responsible use of water and soil. 100% of the olive groves cultivated with integrated or organic agriculture in ecosystems suited to olive harvesting, and irrigated drop by drop; 1 million new trees planted and over 50 thousand tons of CO2 seized: these are the objectives we gave ourselves to create an agricultural model in harmony with the environment, able to preserve all the values of biodiversity.
The quality of the extra virgin olive oil, the tradition of its production and the care in all its phases represent the great heritage that we are constantly committed to defending and enhancing.
For this reason we intend to certify 100% of our products of Italian origin with the Consorzio Extravergine di Qualità brand, increase traceability through blockchain technology and use an increasingly lighter packaging, which involves the use of recycled materials and the design of a new sustainable bottle.
By investing in the health and well-being of future generations, we intend to guarantee ten years of support for scientific research on the nutraceutical and nutrigenomics properties of the extra virgin olive oil, carrying out experimental and scientific projects also in collaboration with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation.
We will also support the nutritional education of 1 million children, belonging to 14,000 schools, and in order to promote a healthy lifestyle, we’ll provide support for a series of major sporting events, with the aim of meeting 200,000 people each year.