for Monini CLASSICO and Monini DELICATO

"CO2e is the unit of measurement of CO2, and it is the unit that will have the greatest impact on our lives for the coming decades."
Andrea RONCHI, CO2Advisor

The emission of carbon dioxide is a natural process: it is generated during breathing, as well as being produced in most natural combustions (including volcanoes, geysers, etc.) and man-made combustions (including combustion of oil and coal, and especially by thermoelectric power plants and motor vehicles).

The increase in its concentration in the atmosphere caused by human activities, which has been witnessed since the industrial revolution, has caused serious imbalances in the natural cycle, in particular by favoring global warming and the phenomena related to it (such as catastrophic climate change, the melting of glaciers, the rise in sea level, the modification of natural habitats and the consequent extinction of many living species).

From the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement: commitments for 2050

In December 2019, the European Council approved the goal of achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050 and the European Commission presented the Green Deal with the same purpose.

The implementation of the Green Deal and the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050 remain the priority objective of the European Union’s policies.
The environmental commitment of all European (and world) companies is the key to achieving Climate Neutrality before it is, as they say in these cases, too late.

We at Monini are aware of this and we have already started.

Gran parte delle attività incluse nel nostro PIANO DI SOSTENIBILITA’ “Hand For the Future” 2030 sono volte alla riduzione dell’impatto ambientale dei nostri prodotti e processi.

Il nostro impegno non si ferma però alla riduzione delle emissioni di CO2: nel ciclo di vita dei prodotti di uso quotidiano, tra cui l’Extra Vergine, non tutte le emissioni di CO2 sono riducibili, evitabili o sotto il nostro controllo.

Abbiamo quindi scelto di intraprendere anche un secondo percorso, sempre legato al tema della CO2:

ciò che non possiamo ridurre, lo compensiamo.


Many of the projects included in these three macro-areas respond to the environmental objectives of the Sustainable Development Model (SDG)defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda, linked to the fight against the waste of energy resources and the reduction of CO2 emissions generated by the entire life cycle of our products.

The “Bosco Monini” project is one of the most important projects included in the “IN CAMPO” pillar. Getting to 1 million planted olive trees: a new green lung for our country. We want to invest in planting of new olive trees to protect the health of the soil, protect Italian olive growing with its different cultivars and establish a virtuous circular system of carbon dioxide absorption.

However, our commitment does not stop at reducing CO2 emissions.
In the life cycle of everyday products, including Extra Virgin, not all CO2 emissions are reducible, avoidable or under our control.
We have therefore chosen to also embark on a second path, always linked to the theme of CO2:

we offset what we cannot reduce.

Starting from the bottles that will be produced in autumn 2021, the CLASSICO and the DELICATO will be CO2 NEUTRAL PRODUCTS

and the label will read:

“The CO2 generated by this product, from the field to disposal, has been fully compensated.”

The right complement to our 2030 Sustainability Plan, an extra step towards our goal:

to leave future generations a better world to live in.